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Co-owner contracts

We sometimes have a puppy we wish to co-own.
We only co-own mastiffs to screened , pre-approved homes on Vancouver Island , and may consider the lower mainland.
Co-owner must have a fenced yard , be willing to take the dog to obedience and show handing classes. And must work with me to have the dog available for breeding, may even be asked to take the dog to the vets for tests . On a co-ownership I retain all breeding rights on the dog and any money made by the dog threw breeding belongs to me. The Mastiff lives full time with the co-owner as their pet  except while she is at shows or nursing and whelping pups.
   This is a good way for some one to  have a quality mastiff as a pet with out the expense of buying one . The cost of buying and English mastiff is around $2000.

Island West Mastiffs

Female co-owner contract  

for free female


This agreement is between Sharon Medforth of Island West Mastiffs here by referred to

As Breeder, and ________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ here by referred to as Co-owner


The breeder of this dog will retain full breeding rights and full registered ownership of this mastiff until the terms of this agreement have been fulfilled.

 The breeder shall have no more then TWO  litters from this mastiff.

The breeder will be responsible for all expenses related to breeding and whelping this mastiff’s litters .

The breeder will have all pups and profits and expenses from these litters.

The breeder will have the mastiff at her home for the whelping and nursing weeks and be responsible for all expenses, care of bitch and puppies during her pregnancy whelping and nursing period.

The co-owner will notify breeder on first signs of every heat this female has.

The co owner will be responsible for all shots {except first puppy shots}, and day to day expenses for food and care.

The co-owner will be responsible for all vet expenses, except expenses relation to breeding, whelping and nursing, or vet expenses accrued while the dog is in breeders care.

The co-owner will be solely responsible for the actions of this mastiff while in her day to day care.

The co-owner will allow breeder access to this mastiff for showing, special training, breeding, whelping and nursing.

The co-owner will take this mastiff to training classes.

This mastiff is to be a house pet, and not to spend its life as an outside dog.

This mastiff is to live day to day with co-owner except for times stated in this contract.

Until this female is spayed the co-owner will keep this female away from all male dogs capable of breeding, while in season.

This mastiff is never to be allowed to run at large.

This mastiff is to be confined to the house when in heat except to be taken out side under strict supervision. Co-owner shall not spay this mastiff with out permission of breeder until after her second litter. If this is done co-owner will pay breeder $3000 {the cost of a breeding mastiff}

Should co-owner allow an accidental breeding, she must terminated the breeding at her expense.  If breeding can not be terminated with out interfering with the future breeding health of female being compromised, Breeder will take custody and sole ownership of this litter and place pups as she sees fit. This will not be counted as the breeder’s TWO litters. 

The breeder will be responsible for all show entry fees in shows the breeder wants the mastiff entered in until she has finished her championship.

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If co-owner wishes to enter the mastiff in a show that breeder dose not want, then co-owner will pay the costs of that show. .

After this female has whelped TWO litters the breeder will give co-owner the option to spay the female or co-own another litter from this female.

If co-owner chooses to spay the female after her first litter and after completion of spaying, the breeder will sign the dogs registration papers over to co-owner and the breeder will have no more legal right to the dog from the day or spaying forward, {except for the abuse and neglect clause of this contract} and the {right to know and placement clause}. This decision to re-breed must be made by co-owner at the time of the females next heat after the first litter.

If co-owner wishes to breed this female after the breeder has had her first litter, the second litter of this females and all puppies, expenses and profits for this litter will be shared 50/50 between co-owner and breeder.  The care for this litter should be shared between breeder and co-owner and can be discussed and agreed upon depending on breeder and co-owners ability to care for the litter.  If one or the other is to have more responsibility of this litter the 50/ 50 agreement may be changed by mutual agreement and negotiation, to reflect one party doing more of the work.

 Co-owner may keep breeding pups from this third breeding for her own personal use or breeding use, and these pups that she keeps will be free and clear of any claim from breeder.

All other pups from this breeding if sold must be placed on non breeding contracts unless mutually agreed upon between breeder and co-owner.

Breeder gets fist pick of any pups produced by this mastiff.

Breeder will have the right to choose the stud dog for any litters this mastiff shall have.

This mastiff is never to have more then 3 litters in her life time and never bred past her 5th year of age.

If this contract is breached  and not abide to by co-owner , breeder has the right to terminate this contract and repossess the dog.

Abuse and neglect clause- For the life of this dog, Co-owner will not abuse or neglect the care of this mastiff. At any time the Breeder believes this dog is abused or neglected she has the right to reposes’ the mastiff and co-owner agrees to not seek legal damages against breeder or cause the breeder legal expenses.


Right to know and placement clause  

For the life of this dog, the co-owner will let the breeder know where the dog lives.

 For the life of this dog the co-owner will not re-home or give this dog away to anyone with out the permission of breeder.

For the life of the mastiff, if co-owner can not keep this dog, co-owner will return the dog to the breeder.

For the life of this mastiff , If the co-owner gives the dog away with out the permission of breeder the co-owner agrees  to pay breeder $3000 {The cost is calculated  by  the value of the dog if it had of been sold to co-owner.}=====


SIGNED THIS DATE ________SHARON MEDFORTH________________________


CO-OWNER OR OWNERS_______________________________________________



Island West mastiffs

Sharon Medforth

Lloyd Warren

2530 Greenway Rd Ladysmith BC Canada v9g1e3





Name in full of co-owners 1}____________________________________________________________




Address of co-owners ___________________________________________________________


Phone number Home _______________________


Place of work______________________________________________


Work number {Work number will never be used except in an emergency}____________


Email address _______________________________________________



Please provide 2 contact persons. People who have known you for a long time, and who would be able to tell me how to get in touch with you if you move.


1}Name ____________________________phone_________________________


2}Name ___________________________phone_______________________________


Island West mastiffs

2530 Greenway Rd, Ladysmith BC, Canada


Male co-owner contract

For placement of free mastiff


This agreement is between Sharon Medforth of Island West Mastiffs here by referred to

As Breeder, and ________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ here by referred to as Co-owner

Breed _________________                     ID#   ____________                             

Name of mastiff in this agreement__________________________________

The breeder of this dog will retain full breeding rights and full registered ownership of this mastiff until the terms of this agreement have been fulfilled

The co owner will be responsible for all shots {except first puppy shots}, and day to day expenses for food and care.

The co-owner will be responsible for all vet expenses, except expenses relation to breeding, or vet expenses accrued while the dog is in breeders care.

The co-owner will be solely responsible for the actions of this mastiff while in her day to day care.

The co-owner will allow breeder access to this mastiff for showing, special training, breeding,

The co-owner will take this mastiff to obedience classes.

This mastiff is to be a house pet, and not to spend its life as an outside dog.

This mastiff is to live day to day with co-owner except for times stated in this contract.

This mastiff is never to be allowed to run at large.

The breeder will be responsible for all show entry fees in shows the breeder wants the mastiff entered in until she has finished her championship

If co-owner wishes to enter the mastiff in a show that breeder dose not want, then co-owner will pay the costs of that show. .

The co-owner will never allow this mastiff to breed with any female purebred or cross bred. Should the breeder have reason to think that co-owner is allowing unapproved breedings to take place, by way of co-owner consent or neglect or carelessness then this dog will be repossessed by breeder, and co-owner will take no legal action against breeder or cause breeder to incurred any legal costs .

At the age of 6 years this mastiff will be neutered at co-owners expense and all breeders rights to this animal will cease except for the {Abuse and neglect clause} and {right to know clause}

Abuse and neglect clause- For the life of this dog, Co-owner will not abuse or neglect the care of this mastiff. At any time the Breeder believes this dog is abused or neglected she has the right to reposes’The right to reclamation" the mastiff and co-owner agrees to not seek legal damages against breeder or cause the breeder legal expenses.


Right to know and placement clause  

For the life of this dog, the co-owner will let the breeder know where the dog lives.

 For the life of this dog the co-owner will not re-home or give this dog away to anyone with out the permission of breeder.

For the life of the mastiff, if co-owner can not keep this dog, co-owner will return the dog to the breeder.

For the life of this mastiff , If the co-owner gives the dog away with out the permission of breeder the co-owner agrees  to pay breeder $3000 {The cost is calculated  by  the value of the dog if it had of been sold to co-owner.}=====

I AGREE AND WILL ABIDE TO THE TERMS OF THIS AGREEMENT and the terms of this contract will be legal and binding.

SIGNED THIS DATE ________SHARON MEDFORTH________________________


CO-OWNER OR OWNERS_______________________________________________

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Sharon and Lloyd
Greenway RD Ladysmith


 see our home site
