Mastiffs are great in harness, doing carting or draft work or weight pull . It is great fun for the whole family.
After you and your dog get accustomed to working together you develop your own subtle cues, You can even start a 6 month old
mastiff puppy in harness , just restrict the weight in the cart, wagon or sled. Here at Island West Mastiffs we even
enjoy the snow our dogs love to pull a sled as much as a wagon or cart . We have competed in IWPA weight pulls and Draft dog
compatision .Once a dog is trained to pull , they can help around the yard , or pull you in a sled or take you for a
ride to the store . The mastiff is a working dog , so have some fun with your mastiff.
<TITLE>Carting and draft work with your mastiff</TITLE>
NAME="Keywords" CONTENT="mastiff, mastiff carting, weight pull, english mastiff, mastiff puppies,">
<META NAME="Description"
CONTENT=" information on carting a weight pull with your mastiff">